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Advantages of Steel Tracks

April 30, 2014

Steel Tracks Melbourne

Whether you operate a mini excavator or any large tracked vehicle, no doubt you have seriously considered both the advantages of steel tracks and rubber tracks. A comparison of the two is definitely necessary when weighing in the pros-and-cons of each type of track. As you will discover, rubber tracks are very versatile, however, they do have their limitations.

Advantages of Steel Tracks and Rubber Tracks

While most of the mid range and smaller excavators, and tracked vehicles, are using rubber tracks today, serious premature wear is being experienced when operating over jagged rocks and in quarries. In these cases, steel tracks are the best to use. Rubber tracks are more fitted to operate over concrete and asphalt, because steel tracks are heavier and harder, and they tend to damage these surfaces. And, this causes premature wearing.

Choosing the Right Tracks

There are advantages of steel tracks and rubber tracks, and many machine operators and owners have wrestled over choosing between the two. The factors that come into play when sitting down and choosing a track type should be based on cost, the types of terrain that your machine will be working in and the season, or the expected weather at the site. These factors will definitely determine the longevity of your chosen tracks.

It isn’t fair to focus on the disadvantages or advantages of steel tracks and rubber tracks without accepting the unique material traits of rubber and steel. Steel tracks are well known for their longevity and overall durability in all weather conditions, and in all types of terrain, however, they are definitely louder than rubber tracks. Actually, the noise created by steel tracks has a positive advantage. For safety reasons, the noise attracts the attention of passer-byers and it becomes a friendly reminder to work crews that heavy equipment is being used in the area.

Unlike rubber tracks, steel tracks have slack in their system, which allows rocks and other debris to be naturally expelled. While rubber is ideal for concrete surfaces, pavement and asphalt, the advantages of steel tracks when working around jagged rocks, mud and thick brush is unquestionable.

Rubber Tracks Plus - ABN: 80 155 770 415
37 Scammel St., Campbellfield VIC 3061
PH: 1300 820 214